Hello dudes and dudettes!
I am currently in the process of producing a Newgrounds-sponsored pilot for an animated series I want to pitch to networks like Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon. It's an Action/Comedy show called Zeus Guy, and you can see some pre-production stuff here: http://hyperboy.deviantart.com/gallery /#Zeus-Guy
I have finished the animatic for it, and I am now looking for someone awesome to do sound effects work. If you're interested, send me a PM or an e-mail! I'll give you some details, and I'll send you the first scene to work your magic on, as a test.
Thanks guys! Have a great day! :)
So do you need someone to make custom sound effects for your animation, or do you need someone to mix the audio for your animation whether the sound effect are custom or not?
Well, mostly mixing. I don't need any foley sounds or anything. Just whatever sounds you can find, and then succesfully mixed to sound as good as possible! :)